- La certification des produits biologiques est devenue une exigence pour attaquer les marchés extérieurs et se positionner dans un secteur de plus en plus apprécié par les consommateurs. La demande en produits biologiques ne cesse d’accroître, du moins dans l’Union européenne, le partenaire traditionnel de la Tunisie. D’où un fort potentiel de développement de l’agriculture biologique surtout que notre pays s’y apprête déjà, puisque plusieurs techniques traditionnelles de culture, de conservation des produits alimentaires, de manière biologique, sont encore incarnées dans la vie de tous les jours des Tunisiens. Peut-être que c’est pour cette raison que le marché biologique n’arrive pas à décoller en Tunisie mais aussi à cause d’un manque de communication et d’information auprès du consommateur final.
Ce qui fait que les produits biologiques fabriqués en Tunisie sont majoritairement destinés à l’export. D’ailleurs, c’est ce que nous avons remarqué en parcourant le premier salon international de l’agriculture biologique et des industries alimentaires, puisque la plupart des exposants nous ont affirmé qu’ils sont totalement exportateurs. Une minorité envisage à court terme de viser le marché local. Pour cette raison, la certification biologique des produits requiert toute son importance puisqu’elle permet aux professionnels tunisiens de s’imposer sur les marchés à haut potentiel.
Source : webmanagercenter.com
samedi 11 décembre 2010
Tunisie – Agriculture biologique : La certification, une exigence pour l’export
mardi 20 juillet 2010
تمزرط : واقع و آفاق الفلاحة البيولوجية في ولاية قابس
الدورة 18 للأيـام الثقافيـة بتمزرط
" واقع و آفاق الفلاحة البيولوجية في ولاية قابس "
يوم السبت 24 جـويليـة 2010 - نـزل ديــار البـربـر بمطمـاطــة
09.00 : استقبال و تسجيل المشاركين
09.30 :الكلمة الترحيبية للسيـد رئيـس الجمعيـة بالضيـوف
09.40 : الافتتاح من طـرف السيـد والـي قابـس
09.50 : المداخلة الأولى المندوبية الجهوية للتنمية الفلاحية بقابس
الإستراتجية الجهوية للفلاحة البيولوجية بولاية قابس
10.10 : المداخلة الثـانية وكالـة النهوض بالاستثمارات الفـلاحيـة
الحوافز و التشجيعات الخـاصة بالاستثمار في قطاع الفلاحة البيولوجية
10.30 : المداخلة الثـالثـة المركز الفنـي البيـولـوجـي
تقنيـات إنتـاج الزيتـون البيـولـوجـي
10.50 : المداخلة الرابعـة المركز الفنـي البيـولـوجـي
تربيـة النحـل علـى النمـط البيـولـوجـي
11.10 : استـراحـة قهــوة
11.25 : المداخلة الخامسـة السيـد أحمـد ممــو ( خبيـر فـي الميـاه )
إمكانية الاستثمار بمنطقة أم الشيـاه من معتمدية مطماطة
12.00 : شهادات حية لبعض المنتوجات
12.30 : النقاش و الاختتام
تمزرط , الفلاحة البيولوجية, Tamezret, Tamazret, Agriculture biologique, tunisie, gabes
lundi 19 juillet 2010
Voyages Ecologiques - Ecotourisme (Tunisie -Maroc-Grèce-Espagne)
Le voyage par avion est souvent la plus consommatrice d'énergie de votre Voyage. Organisez votre voyage afin que vous réduisez Voyage par avion, et de choisir, si possible, de rester plus longtemps dans une destination au lieu de faire de nombreux trajets courts.
2. Voyager Léger:
Pack seulement ce dont vous avez besoin, et de ne pas apporter des choses qui deviennent des déchets. En réduisant le poids des bagages de voyageurs, peut réduire sensiblement les émissions de gaz maison.
3. Réservez d'une façon responsable:
Au moment de choisir votre hôtel, organisateur de voyages ou autres prestataires de services, sélectionnez ceux qui ont de bonnes pratiques de développement durable. Rechercher des informations sur les initiatives environnementales de l'entreprise, des stratégies, des économies d'énergie et minimiser les déchets, l'implication dans le programme de certification du tourisme durable. Un bon endroit pour commencer votre recherche est l'écotourisme Explorer.
4. Avant le départ:
appareils ménagers, éteindre les lumières et débranchez qui peut être laissé débranché pendant que vous êtes absent.
5. Alors que vous êtes là:
Eteignez toutes les lumières et la climatisation / chauffage lorsque vous quittez votre chambre, et débranchez inutiles.
6. Voie verte se déplacer:
Utiliser les transports en commun (bus, train, voiture de ville, etc) et les modes de transport alternatifs (marche, vélo, véhicules non motorisés, cheval, chameau) autant que possible. C'est une façon plus durable pour se déplacer, et aussi plus sain et plus agréable façon d'apprendre à connaître l'endroit que vous visitez.
7. Mangez local:
Réduisez votre «food miles» en choisissant des spécialités locales. Visite du marché d'un agriculteur local, une boutique d'une épicerie de propriété locale et choisissez localement restaurants appartenant qui achètent local. Les produits alimentaires régionaux sont une option plus savoureux et plus durable.
8. Économiser l'eau:
Utilisez la quantité minimum d'eau nécessaire pour une douche / baignoire, ne laissez pas l'eau courir pendant le rasage, brossage ou lavage, et vérifier si l'hôtel dispose d'un programme de réutilisation du linge - le cas échéant, la réutilisation des serviettes et vos draps de lit en plaçant la carte pour indiquer que vous ne souhaitez pas les avoir lavés tous les jours, sinon, personnel d'accueil demande de ne pas changer tous les jours.
9. Chargement de votre voyage de façon durable:
Chaque fois que possible, d'utiliser des options qui ne nécessitent pas de piles. Acheter des piles rechargeables pour vos articles Voyage essentiels tels que des caméras, des rasoirs et des lampes de poche.
10. Compenser l'empreinte inévitable:
Contribuer à un programme de compensation carbone crédibles pour soutenir la conservation, les énergies renouvelables, et d'autres projets énergétiques d'épargne.
la Tunisie, le Maroc et la Grèce propose des plages au sable fin et des plages vierges et naturelles les hôtels et les auberges sont à des prix raisonnables. Des stations thermales et de thalassothérapie. Des parc naturels et des réserves sont des destinations de choix.
Le Maroc est réputée pour être une destination diversifiée. Vous pouvez visiter la vallée de l’Imlil, les cascades d’Ouzoud ou les différentes mosquées, Marrakech, Rabat, Tanger sont des villes extraordinaires pour vous imprégner totalement de la culture marocaine, côtoyer au plus près ses populations et découvrir ainsi en profondeur l’âme du pays.
La Grèce, avec environ 1400 îles grecques dont 169 îles vierges inhabitées, propose ce que chacun peut rechercher. Que ce soit une recherche d'évasion dans une ile isolée ou au contraire dans une ile pleine de vie avec de luxueux hotels ou vie nocturne intense ou encore explorer les vestiges d'une des plus anciennes civilisations européennes. Les îles grègues sont des destinations favorites pour les touriste écolo et qui veulent vivre un séjour de rêves dans une nature paradisiaque.
Alonissos (île grèque) C'est une ile magnifique de Grèce qui est surtout réputé pour ses belles plages aux eaux turquoise. C'est un des endroits les plus authentique des Sporades et, faute de logements, attire chaque année un nombre limité de visiteurs. Alonissos possède une capitale extraordinaire qui fut victime d'un redoutable tremblement de terre.
Grècauberge, destination, ecologique, Espagne, grèce, hotel, majorca, malaga, Maroc, marrakch, rabat, séjour, tanger, tourisme, tunisie, Voyage, île, Grèce, billet, réservation, réserver, vacances,
vendredi 11 juin 2010
List of free documentaries, Enjoy !
- 9/11 Forgotten Heroes
- 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions
- A Nod and a Wink
- A Place Called Chiapas
- Afghan Massacre
- Aftermath
- Al Qaeda Does Not Exist
- America s Secret War
- American Blackout
- Argentina's economic collapse
- At Home with Terror Suspects
- Auschwitz: Episode 1
- Auschwitz: Episode 2
- Auschwitz: Episode 3
- Auschwitz: Episode 4
- Auschwitz: Episode 5
- Auschwitz: Episode 6
- Bad Voodoo's War
- Banks and How to Break Them
- Bannatyne Takes on Tobacco
- Bastards of the Party
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 1
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 2
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 3
- Big Brother, Big Business
- Big Bucks, Big Pharma
- Big Easy to Big Empty
- Black Wallstreet
- Born Into Brothels
- Bowling for Columbine
- Brazil Slum Warfare
- Breaking Ranks
- Breaking the Mirror
- Breaking the Silence
- Burqas and Beliefs
- Cambodia: The Betrayal
- Cambodia: Year Zero
- Century of Self: Episode 1
- Century of Self: Episode 2
- Century of Self: Episode 3
- Century of Self: Episode 4
- Chechnya: The Dirty War
- Cheney's Law
- Child Slavery in India
- China's African Takeover
- China's Olympic Lie
- Christmas
- Conspiracy Theories
- Control Room
- Coolies
- Cover-up in Oklahoma
- Darwin's Nightmare
- Defending Democracy in America
- Distorted Morality?
- Divorce, Iranian Style
- Earthlings
- Empire in the Andes
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 1
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 2
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 3
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 4
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 5
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 7
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 8
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 2
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 6
- Flying the Flag
- Fool Me Twice
- Frankensteer: The passionate eye
- Freedom to Fascism
- Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
- Ghosts of Rwanda
- Global Dimming
- Gujarat - Getting Away With Murder
- Hacking Democracy
- Hearts and Minds
- Hearts Minds and Holy War
- Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm
- Hitler's Children: Dedication
- Hitler's Children: Education
- Hitler's Children: Sacrifice
- Hitler's Children: Seduction
- Hitler's Children: War
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 1
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 2
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 3
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 4
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 5
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 6
- Hoop Dreams
- Immokalee
- Improbable Collapse
- In Plane Site
- In Search of Truth in Wartime
- India the Land of Missing Children
- India: God's own country
- Inside Burma
- Inside Iran
- Inside Mecca
- Invisible Children
- Iran (is not the problem)
- Iraq for Sale
- Iraq, The Woman's Story
- Israel's Wild West
- Jesus Camp
- Jewish Anarchists
- Justicia Now!
- Loose Change
- Ludicrous Diversion
- Manufacturing Consent
- McLibel
- Meet Your Meat
- Merchants of Cool
- Money As Debt
- Monopoly Men
- Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
- New Rulers of the World
- Nicaragua
- No End in Sight
- Occupation 101
- On Our Watch
- Operation Hollywood
- Orwell Rolls In His Grave
- Outfoxed
- Outsourcing Greenville
- Palestine is Still the Issue
- Palestine-Israel 101
- Panacea or Poison?
- Pandora's Black Box
- Paying the Price
- Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
- Pepsi vs Coke
- Plan Colombia
- Prescription for Disaster
- Prisoners of Katrina
- Private Warriors
- Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
- Rachel Corrie
- Reel Bad Arabs
- Rwanda
- Salvador Allende
- Santa's Workshop
- Secrets of the CIA
- Sex Crimes and the Vatican
- Sex Slaves
- Shake Hands with the Devil
- Shut Up & Sing
- Slavery: A Global Investigation
- Spying on the Home Front
- Stealing a Nation
- Sticks and Stones
- Supermarket Secrets Part 1
- Supermarket Secrets Part 2
- Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
- Taxi to the Dark Side
- TerrorStorm
- The 11th Hour
- The 638 ways to kill Castro
- The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The Betrayed
- The Bush Family Fortunes
- The Corporation
- The Cost of a Coke
- The Data Theft Scandal
- The Diamond Empire
- The Elephant in the Room
- The F.B.I's War on Black America
- The Final Insult
- The Fog of War
- The Globalization Tapes
- The God Delusion
- The Great Green Smoke Screen
- The Greed Game
- The Ground Truth
- The Hidden Story
- The Invisible War
- The Israel Lobby
- The Killing Zone
- The Koran and The Kalashnikov
- The Lies That Led To War
- The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
- The Loss of Liberty
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 2
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 3
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 4
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 5
- The Money Masters
- The Murdoch Effect
- The New American Century
- The Oil Factor
- The Origins of AIDS
- The Panama Deception
- The Pentacon
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 1
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 2
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 3
- The Quiet Mutiny
- The Return of the Taliban
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- The Road To Guantanamo
- The Second Gun
- The Secret History of the Credit Card
- The Slow Poisoning of India
- The Story of God 1: Life, the Universe and Everything
- The Story of God 2: No God, but God
- The Story of God 3: God of the Gaps
- The Take (La Toma)
- The Tobacco Conspiracy
- The Trap: Episode 1
- The Trap: Episode 2
- The Trap: Episode 3
- The Trials of Henry Kissinger
- The Truth Game
- The U.S. vs. John Lennon
- The Vaccine Nation
- The Virus Of Faith
- The War on Democracy
- The Weather Underground
- The World According to Monsanto
- Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
- Triangle of anger
- Unconstitutional
- Uncovered
- Unprecedented
- Vida Positiva
- Voodoo Children
- Votergate
- Waco Rules of Engagement
- Wal-Mart
- War By Other Means
- War Made Easy
- War On Drugs, The Prison Industrial Complex
- We: Arundhati Roy
- Welcome to Australia
- When Markets Go Mad
- Who Killed the Electric Car
- Why We Fight
- Zeitgeist Addendum
- Zeitgeist: Episode 1
- Zeitgeist: Episode 2
- Zeitgeist: Episode 3
- ZEITGEIST: The Movie
List of free documentaries, Enjoy !
- 9/11 Forgotten Heroes
- 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions
- A Nod and a Wink
- A Place Called Chiapas
- Afghan Massacre
- Aftermath
- Al Qaeda Does Not Exist
- America s Secret War
- American Blackout
- Argentina's economic collapse
- At Home with Terror Suspects
- Auschwitz: Episode 1
- Auschwitz: Episode 2
- Auschwitz: Episode 3
- Auschwitz: Episode 4
- Auschwitz: Episode 5
- Auschwitz: Episode 6
- Bad Voodoo's War
- Banks and How to Break Them
- Bannatyne Takes on Tobacco
- Bastards of the Party
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 1
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 2
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 3
- Big Brother, Big Business
- Big Bucks, Big Pharma
- Big Easy to Big Empty
- Black Wallstreet
- Born Into Brothels
- Bowling for Columbine
- Brazil Slum Warfare
- Breaking Ranks
- Breaking the Mirror
- Breaking the Silence
- Burqas and Beliefs
- Cambodia: The Betrayal
- Cambodia: Year Zero
- Century of Self: Episode 1
- Century of Self: Episode 2
- Century of Self: Episode 3
- Century of Self: Episode 4
- Chechnya: The Dirty War
- Cheney's Law
- Child Slavery in India
- China's African Takeover
- China's Olympic Lie
- Christmas
- Conspiracy Theories
- Control Room
- Coolies
- Cover-up in Oklahoma
- Darwin's Nightmare
- Defending Democracy in America
- Distorted Morality?
- Divorce, Iranian Style
- Earthlings
- Empire in the Andes
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 1
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 2
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 3
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 4
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 5
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 7
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 8
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 2
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 6
- Flying the Flag
- Fool Me Twice
- Frankensteer: The passionate eye
- Freedom to Fascism
- Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
- Ghosts of Rwanda
- Global Dimming
- Gujarat - Getting Away With Murder
- Hacking Democracy
- Hearts and Minds
- Hearts Minds and Holy War
- Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm
- Hitler's Children: Dedication
- Hitler's Children: Education
- Hitler's Children: Sacrifice
- Hitler's Children: Seduction
- Hitler's Children: War
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 1
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 2
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 3
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 4
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 5
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 6
- Hoop Dreams
- Immokalee
- Improbable Collapse
- In Plane Site
- In Search of Truth in Wartime
- India the Land of Missing Children
- India: God's own country
- Inside Burma
- Inside Iran
- Inside Mecca
- Invisible Children
- Iran (is not the problem)
- Iraq for Sale
- Iraq, The Woman's Story
- Israel's Wild West
- Jesus Camp
- Jewish Anarchists
- Justicia Now!
- Loose Change
- Ludicrous Diversion
- Manufacturing Consent
- McLibel
- Meet Your Meat
- Merchants of Cool
- Money As Debt
- Monopoly Men
- Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
- New Rulers of the World
- Nicaragua
- No End in Sight
- Occupation 101
- On Our Watch
- Operation Hollywood
- Orwell Rolls In His Grave
- Outfoxed
- Outsourcing Greenville
- Palestine is Still the Issue
- Palestine-Israel 101
- Panacea or Poison?
- Pandora's Black Box
- Paying the Price
- Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
- Pepsi vs Coke
- Plan Colombia
- Prescription for Disaster
- Prisoners of Katrina
- Private Warriors
- Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
- Rachel Corrie
- Reel Bad Arabs
- Rwanda
- Salvador Allende
- Santa's Workshop
- Secrets of the CIA
- Sex Crimes and the Vatican
- Sex Slaves
- Shake Hands with the Devil
- Shut Up & Sing
- Slavery: A Global Investigation
- Spying on the Home Front
- Stealing a Nation
- Sticks and Stones
- Supermarket Secrets Part 1
- Supermarket Secrets Part 2
- Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
- Taxi to the Dark Side
- TerrorStorm
- The 11th Hour
- The 638 ways to kill Castro
- The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The Betrayed
- The Bush Family Fortunes
- The Corporation
- The Cost of a Coke
- The Data Theft Scandal
- The Diamond Empire
- The Elephant in the Room
- The F.B.I's War on Black America
- The Final Insult
- The Fog of War
- The Globalization Tapes
- The God Delusion
- The Great Green Smoke Screen
- The Greed Game
- The Ground Truth
- The Hidden Story
- The Invisible War
- The Israel Lobby
- The Killing Zone
- The Koran and The Kalashnikov
- The Lies That Led To War
- The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
- The Loss of Liberty
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 2
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 3
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 4
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 5
- The Money Masters
- The Murdoch Effect
- The New American Century
- The Oil Factor
- The Origins of AIDS
- The Panama Deception
- The Pentacon
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 1
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 2
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 3
- The Quiet Mutiny
- The Return of the Taliban
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- The Road To Guantanamo
- The Second Gun
- The Secret History of the Credit Card
- The Slow Poisoning of India
- The Story of God 1: Life, the Universe and Everything
- The Story of God 2: No God, but God
- The Story of God 3: God of the Gaps
- The Take (La Toma)
- The Tobacco Conspiracy
- The Trap: Episode 1
- The Trap: Episode 2
- The Trap: Episode 3
- The Trials of Henry Kissinger
- The Truth Game
- The U.S. vs. John Lennon
- The Vaccine Nation
- The Virus Of Faith
- The War on Democracy
- The Weather Underground
- The World According to Monsanto
- Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
- Triangle of anger
- Unconstitutional
- Uncovered
- Unprecedented
- Vida Positiva
- Voodoo Children
- Votergate
- Waco Rules of Engagement
- Wal-Mart
- War By Other Means
- War Made Easy
- War On Drugs, The Prison Industrial Complex
- We: Arundhati Roy
- Welcome to Australia
- When Markets Go Mad
- Who Killed the Electric Car
- Why We Fight
- Zeitgeist Addendum
- Zeitgeist: Episode 1
- Zeitgeist: Episode 2
- Zeitgeist: Episode 3
- ZEITGEIST: The Movie
List of free documentaries, Enjoy !
- 9/11 Forgotten Heroes
- 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions
- A Nod and a Wink
- A Place Called Chiapas
- Afghan Massacre
- Aftermath
- Al Qaeda Does Not Exist
- America s Secret War
- American Blackout
- Argentina's economic collapse
- At Home with Terror Suspects
- Auschwitz: Episode 1
- Auschwitz: Episode 2
- Auschwitz: Episode 3
- Auschwitz: Episode 4
- Auschwitz: Episode 5
- Auschwitz: Episode 6
- Bad Voodoo's War
- Banks and How to Break Them
- Bannatyne Takes on Tobacco
- Bastards of the Party
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 1
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 2
- Beirut to Bosnia, Episode 3
- Big Brother, Big Business
- Big Bucks, Big Pharma
- Big Easy to Big Empty
- Black Wallstreet
- Born Into Brothels
- Bowling for Columbine
- Brazil Slum Warfare
- Breaking Ranks
- Breaking the Mirror
- Breaking the Silence
- Burqas and Beliefs
- Cambodia: The Betrayal
- Cambodia: Year Zero
- Century of Self: Episode 1
- Century of Self: Episode 2
- Century of Self: Episode 3
- Century of Self: Episode 4
- Chechnya: The Dirty War
- Cheney's Law
- Child Slavery in India
- China's African Takeover
- China's Olympic Lie
- Christmas
- Conspiracy Theories
- Control Room
- Coolies
- Cover-up in Oklahoma
- Darwin's Nightmare
- Defending Democracy in America
- Distorted Morality?
- Divorce, Iranian Style
- Earthlings
- Empire in the Andes
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 1
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 2
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 3
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 4
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 5
- Evidence of Revision, Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 6
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 7
- Eyes on the Prize II: Episode 8
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 1
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 2
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 3
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 4
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 5
- Eyes on the Prize: Episode 6
- Flying the Flag
- Fool Me Twice
- Frankensteer: The passionate eye
- Freedom to Fascism
- Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
- Ghosts of Rwanda
- Global Dimming
- Gujarat - Getting Away With Murder
- Hacking Democracy
- Hearts and Minds
- Hearts Minds and Holy War
- Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm
- Hitler's Children: Dedication
- Hitler's Children: Education
- Hitler's Children: Sacrifice
- Hitler's Children: Seduction
- Hitler's Children: War
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 1
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 2
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 3
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 4
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 5
- Hitler's Holocaust: Episode 6
- Hoop Dreams
- Immokalee
- Improbable Collapse
- In Plane Site
- In Search of Truth in Wartime
- India the Land of Missing Children
- India: God's own country
- Inside Burma
- Inside Iran
- Inside Mecca
- Invisible Children
- Iran (is not the problem)
- Iraq for Sale
- Iraq, The Woman's Story
- Israel's Wild West
- Jesus Camp
- Jewish Anarchists
- Justicia Now!
- Loose Change
- Ludicrous Diversion
- Manufacturing Consent
- McLibel
- Meet Your Meat
- Merchants of Cool
- Money As Debt
- Monopoly Men
- Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
- New Rulers of the World
- Nicaragua
- No End in Sight
- Occupation 101
- On Our Watch
- Operation Hollywood
- Orwell Rolls In His Grave
- Outfoxed
- Outsourcing Greenville
- Palestine is Still the Issue
- Palestine-Israel 101
- Panacea or Poison?
- Pandora's Black Box
- Paying the Price
- Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
- Pepsi vs Coke
- Plan Colombia
- Prescription for Disaster
- Prisoners of Katrina
- Private Warriors
- Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
- Rachel Corrie
- Reel Bad Arabs
- Rwanda
- Salvador Allende
- Santa's Workshop
- Secrets of the CIA
- Sex Crimes and the Vatican
- Sex Slaves
- Shake Hands with the Devil
- Shut Up & Sing
- Slavery: A Global Investigation
- Spying on the Home Front
- Stealing a Nation
- Sticks and Stones
- Supermarket Secrets Part 1
- Supermarket Secrets Part 2
- Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
- Taxi to the Dark Side
- TerrorStorm
- The 11th Hour
- The 638 ways to kill Castro
- The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The Betrayed
- The Bush Family Fortunes
- The Corporation
- The Cost of a Coke
- The Data Theft Scandal
- The Diamond Empire
- The Elephant in the Room
- The F.B.I's War on Black America
- The Final Insult
- The Fog of War
- The Globalization Tapes
- The God Delusion
- The Great Green Smoke Screen
- The Greed Game
- The Ground Truth
- The Hidden Story
- The Invisible War
- The Israel Lobby
- The Killing Zone
- The Koran and The Kalashnikov
- The Lies That Led To War
- The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
- The Loss of Liberty
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 2
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 3
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 4
- The Men Who Killed Kennedy : Episode 5
- The Money Masters
- The Murdoch Effect
- The New American Century
- The Oil Factor
- The Origins of AIDS
- The Panama Deception
- The Pentacon
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 1
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 2
- The Power of Nightmares: Episode 3
- The Quiet Mutiny
- The Return of the Taliban
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- The Road To Guantanamo
- The Second Gun
- The Secret History of the Credit Card
- The Slow Poisoning of India
- The Story of God 1: Life, the Universe and Everything
- The Story of God 2: No God, but God
- The Story of God 3: God of the Gaps
- The Take (La Toma)
- The Tobacco Conspiracy
- The Trap: Episode 1
- The Trap: Episode 2
- The Trap: Episode 3
- The Trials of Henry Kissinger
- The Truth Game
- The U.S. vs. John Lennon
- The Vaccine Nation
- The Virus Of Faith
- The War on Democracy
- The Weather Underground
- The World According to Monsanto
- Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
- Triangle of anger
- Unconstitutional
- Uncovered
- Unprecedented
- Vida Positiva
- Voodoo Children
- Votergate
- Waco Rules of Engagement
- Wal-Mart
- War By Other Means
- War Made Easy
- War On Drugs, The Prison Industrial Complex
- We: Arundhati Roy
- Welcome to Australia
- When Markets Go Mad
- Who Killed the Electric Car
- Why We Fight
- Zeitgeist Addendum
- Zeitgeist: Episode 1
- Zeitgeist: Episode 2
- Zeitgeist: Episode 3
- ZEITGEIST: The Movie